Privacy Policy Updated – June 2018

We updated our privacy policy and add an option to manage your cookies preferences. Find out more in this post.

Reason for the update

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) law that has recently taken effect. The goal of GDPR is to give EU citizens control over their personal data and change the data privacy approach of organizations across the world. It applies to every business, large and small, around the world (not just in the European Union). We already had a Privacy Policy in place, but with the new regulation we decided to review our policy and see what could be improved.

Main changes

  • Our way of dealing with your personal and business information isn’t changing much. But we did decide to rewrite our Privacy Policy to make it clearer what information is collected and how and why we use it.
  • We also made a few technical updates in our systems that allow us more easily to edit, export and delete your data if needed.
  • On places where we ask for your information we now make a clear reference to our privacy policy. You will find these notes on the account registration page, at the checkout and on the page with our contact information.
  • The biggest change is the option to manage your cookie preference directly on our site. Before you could reject the cookies through your browser setting. Now you will also be able to do so for non-essential cookies through settings on our website. And when you first visit our website you will be notified about the use of cookies through a banner. The non-essential cookies will be loaded after you click the accept button or when you continue using our site (scrolling on the page or clicking a link). You can always change your mind again later by changing your preference on the settings page.

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If you have questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

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